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Leftover Turkey Bowl
Leftover Turkey Bowl

1m read

Leftover Turkey Bowl

Feast on Flavor: Leftover Turkey Bowl Magic Unfolded.

We do not think that the delicious turkey you make on New Year's Eve will last long. But if it stays, it can turn into a perfect flavor for you. The turkey can be conveniently stored in the refrigerator for a short time. This beautiful Christmas turkey can be turned into a delicious treat that everyone will love by adding a few sauces, fresh greens and grains. All you have to do is continue the New Year's feast.




2 servings

Preparation time:

5 minutes


  • 200 g leftover cooked einkorn
  • 150 g saute turkey cubes 
  • 50 g mixed greens
  • 20 ml olive oil 
  • 10 ml apple vinegar 
  • 5 g salt 
  • 5 g sumac 



  • First, whisk together the apple vinegar, olive oil, salt, and sumac in blender until smooth texture.

  • Cut the mixed greens into coin-sized pieces. 

  • Pour the prepared vinaigrette over the mixed greens.

  • Finally, add the einkorn and sautéed turkey pieces into the bowl, mix and serve.

  • Enjoy!
