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Pumpkin Purée
Pumpkin Purée

1m letto

Pumpkin Purée


Try our easy pumpkin purée recipe, then turn this sensational seasonal ingredient into cakes, pancakes, and glorious pies.

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Pumpkin Puree_375x600






45 MIN.


  • 750g pumpkin or butternut squash


  1. To steam the pumpkin, peel and deseed it, then cut into evenly sized cubes. Put the cubes in a steamer or colander set over a pan of simmering water and cook for 10 mins. Test with the tip of a knife and cook for a further 5 mins if not cooked through. Mash and leave to cool. Alternatively, to microwave the pumpkin, cut it in half (no need to peel it or cut out the seeds) and sit cut-side up in the microwave. Cook for 20 mins, then check the softness of the flesh by poking it with a fork. Keep cooking if you’d like it softer. Scoop the flesh into a bowl, then mash and leave to cool.
