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French Toast: Return of the Bread
French Toast: Return of the Bread

1m letto

French Toast: Return of the Bread

French Toast Return of the Bread_1920x600
French Toast Return of the Bread_375x600






20 MIN.


  • 4 Thick Slices of Stale Bread
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Essence
  • 50 ml Double Cream
  • 2 Large Eggs
  • 40 g Walnuts
  • Butter
  • Oil, to fry
  • Soft Brown Sugar


  1. First whisk eggs, cream and vanilla essence in a bowl.
  2. At the same time, after lubricating a large pan, we open it slightly to warm it.
  3. As the pan heats up, we put our stale breads in the egg mixture.
  4. We pour brown sugar into another bowl.
  5. We put the bread we extracted from the egg mixture into brown sugar. Then put in a pan for browning.
  6. Fry both sides until the breads are caramelized
  7. While serving our toasts, we place walnuts on it and make them ready for service.
