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Avocado Hummus
Avocado Hummus

1m letto

Avocado Hummus


A delicious hummus recipe to give your avocados waiting in the fridge, a second chance. Note: You can give it a new life by using its core to grow another tree.

Avacado Hummus 375x600
Avacado Hummus 1920x600






1 H. 20 MIN.


  • 2 avocado, ripe
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 2 tbsp tahini
  • 1 Juice of lime
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp cumin
  • ½ tsp coriander, ground
  • 500g chickpeas, drained but reserve the liquid if boiling from scratch


  1. Soak dry chickpeas overnight or boil them for 5 minutes and let it rest with a closed lid for 1 hour. If you are going to use canned or leftover chickpeas, you can start from the next step.
  2. Put all the ingredients except chickpeas into a food processor. Add ¼ cup of the chickpea juice. Blend it all for 1-2 minutes until creamy consistency
  3. Add the chickpeas and run it for another 3-4 minutes. If necessary, add some more chickpea broth.
  4. Plate your hummus, drizzle a bit of olive oil and serve, enjoy!
