Pumpkin Risotto
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Pumpkin Risotto
Pumpkin Risotto

1m read

Pumpkin Risotto


If you are looking for new delicacies, here is a tasty recipe to make use of your pumpkin.

Pumpkin Risotto_375x600
Pumpkin Risotto_1920x600






1 H. 0 MIN.


  • 1 small pumpkin or butternut squash - 400g/14oz after peeling and scraping out the seeds
  • 1 tbsp olive oil, plus a drizzle for the pumpkin
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 8 spring onions
  • 25g butter
  • 200g risotto rice
  • 2 tsp ground cumin
  • 1l hot vegetable stock, plus extra splash if needed
  • 50g grated parmesan (or vegan alternative)
  • A small handful coriander, roughly chopped


  1. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas. Chop up the pumpkin or squash into 1.5cm cubes. Put on a baking tray, drizzle over some oil, then roast for 30 mins.
  2. While the pumpkin is roasting, start making the risotto. Put the garlic in a sandwich bag, then bash lightly with a rolling pin until crushed.
  3. Cut up the spring onions with your scissors.
  4. Heat 1 tbsp of oil with the butter in your pan over medium heat – not too hot. Add the spring onions and garlic. Once the onions are soft but not browned, add the rice and cumin. Stir well to coat in the buttery mix for about 1 min.
  5. Now add half a cup of the stock, and stir every now and then until it has all disappeared into the rice. Carry on adding and stirring in a large splash of stock at a time until you have used up all the stock – this will take about 20 mins.
  6. Check if the rice is cooked. If not, add a splash more stock, and carry on cooking for a bit. Once the rice is soft enough to eat, gently stir in the grated cheese, chopped coriander, and roasted pumpkin.
