Fennel-Apple Salad
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Fennel-Apple Salad
Fennel-Apple Salad

1m read

Fennel-Apple Salad


Ever considered adding a touch of fennel to your salads? Be sure to check out this nutritious recipe for a fresh way to try fennel.

Fennel-Apple Salad_375x600
Fennel-Apple Salad_1920x600






20 MIN.


  • A half fennel bulb
  • Bunch of season greens (arugula, basil, lollo rosso, fennel leaf, etc.)
  • Half red onion, sliced
  • 2 red apple
  • 50 g red grape
  • 1 tbspn olive oil
  • A half lemon juice
  • Pinch of salt and pepper


  1. Wash and dry the greens.
  2. Cut the fennel into slices, the grapes into halves.
  3. Slice fine half of red onion.
  4. Cut the apples in half, slice half apples thinly in a semicircle.
  5. Mix lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper, combine and blend with all the ingredients.
