Leek and Tomato Eggy Bread Bake
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Leek and Tomato Eggy Bread Bake
Leek and Tomato Eggy Bread Bake

1m read

Leek and Tomato Eggy Bread Bake


If you buy too much fresh bread or have some leftovers, this recipe is for you. A leek & tomato eggy bread baked using stale bread.







45 MIN.


  • 250g butter , plus extra for greasing
  • 200g crusty white bread , torn into chunks (all the better if it's a few days old)
  • 2 leeks , thinly sliced
  • 2 garlic cloves , finely chopped
  • 100g cherry tomato , halved
  • 4 eggs
  • 200ml milk
  • 100g strong cheddar , grated


  1. Heat oven to 200°C/180°C. Grease a baking dish and fill it with cubed stale bread. Heat the butter in a large pan until it starts to foam. Add the leeks and garlic, and cook over medium heat for 5 mins, stirring as you go. Spoon softened leek mixture over the bread and top with cherry tomatoes.
  2. Beat together the eggs, milk and cheddar. Season, then pour over the bread and bake for 15-20 mins until golden and puffy.
