Easy Mugcake
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Easy Mugcake
Easy Mugcake

1m read

Easy Mugcake


We love to buy those sunshine colored bananas but then forget about them until they turn brown. Nevertheless, don’t even think about throwing those bananas away just because they’ve gotten brown. Here’s a hot, sweet, fast, and easy microwave mug cake recipe that only takes a minute, makes use of your “ugly” bananas, and all for you to enjoy.

Easy Mugcake_1920x600
Easy Mugcake_375x600






2 H. 0 MIN.


  • 1 overripe banana
  • 2 tbsp peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder


  1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a mixing bowl. Using a mixer will help your cake have a more consistent texture.
  2. Transfer the mixture to a microwave-resistant cup.
  3. Bake in the microwave oven for about 75 seconds. Your mug cake is ready.
