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FRY 7320: Aparati za kuhanje i friteze(Friteze)

FRY 7320
FRY 7320
FRY 7320
FRY 7320
FRY 7320
FRY 7320

Drag image left & right to rotate.

FRY 7320: Aparati za kuhanje i friteze(Friteze)

  • Podešavanje topline Da
  • Odvojiva košara i spremnik No
  • Timer Da
Dimenzija (cm)
0 Visina
0 Širina
0 Dubina


Glass Lid

Monitor with ease

Glass Lid is a culinary innovation, allowing you to oversee the cooking process without lifting the lid and releasing heat. This feature ensures precision in every meal, enabling real-time adjustments to prevent over or undercooking.

Dishwasher Safe

Clean-up made easy with Dishwasher Safe components.

The Less Oil Cooker is as much a joy to clean as it is to cook with, thanks to its Dishwasher Safe feature. And this feature saving you time and hassle after meal preparation. This feature is a testament to the cooker's design philosophy: cooking should be a pleasure, not a chore. With the ease of dishwasher-safe components, you can savor your culinary creations without dreading the clean-up that follows.

User-friendly Digital Screen

Simplifying Cooking with Digital Convenience

Digital Screen modernizes your kitchen and streamlines the cooking process, enabling you to select cooking programs, adjust time, and set temperatures with just a few taps. This intuitive interface makes cooking effortless for everyone, from novices to tech-savvy chefs.


Large-Scale Cooking with Generous Capacity

The Less Oil Cooker shines with its generous Capacity, perfect for any recipe size. Whether you're cooking for a quiet family dinner or a festive gathering, this cooker adapts to your needs. Its spacious interior means you can prepare large quantities without compromising on quality or efficiency. From hearty stews to large batches of baked goods, the ability to cook more in less time is a convenience that cannot be overstated. This feature celebrates the joy of cooking in abundance, making the Less Oil Cooker an essential for anyone who loves to entertain or enjoys meal-prepping for the week ahead.

Tehničke specifikacije

Štednjaci I Friteze Dimenzije I Težina


31.3 cm


37.9 cm


31.6 cm


4.8 kg

Visina pakiranja

36.5 cm

Širina pakiranja

42.6 cm

Dubina pakiranja

36.2 cm

Težina pakiranja

7.48 kg

Štednjaci I Friteze Ključne Karakteristike

Vrsta friteze



1750 W

Kapacitet posude


Štednjaci I Friteze Funkcije I Karakteristike

Podešavanje topline


Materijal unutarnje posude

Neljepljivi premaz

LCD zaslon

Stakleni poklopac

Pribor periv u perilici posuđa

Zaštita od pregrijavanja