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KSM 4330 Delisia Coffee DC 3000: Aparati za kavu i čaj(Aparati za espresso kavu)

KSM 4330 Delisia Coffee DC 3000
KSM 4330 Delisia Coffee DC 3000
KSM 4330 Delisia Coffee DC 3000
KSM 4330 Delisia Coffee DC 3000
KSM 4330 Delisia Coffee DC 3000

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KSM 4330 Delisia Coffee DC 3000: Aparati za kavu i čaj(Aparati za espresso kavu)

Zapremina spremnika za vodu 1100 mL
Boja Crna
Dimenzija (cm)
0 Visina
0 Širina
0 Dubina


2 Coffee Outlet

Serve two espressos at once with dual outlets

Two coffee outlets allow simultaneous coffee pours, perfect for guests or quick morning fixes. It guarantees consistently warm espresso with perfect crema, enhancing your coffee experience.


Experience high-pressure for perfect espresso

A high-pressure system for optimal espresso extraction, achieving robust flavor and rich crema. It's perfect for those seeking a superior coffee experience akin to their favorite café.


Experience high-pressure for perfect espresso

A high-pressure system for optimal espresso extraction, achieving robust flavor and rich crema. It's perfect for those seeking a superior coffee experience akin to their favorite café.

Integrated Milk Frother

Enjoy barista-level milk froth with the integrated frother.

With Grundig's integrated milk frother, enjoy the convenience of frothing milk directly in the machine. This feature is perfect for crafting the ideal cappuccino or café latte, bringing ease and elegance to your coffee-making ritual. The frother ensures consistent and creamy milk froth, enhancing the texture and taste of your beverages. Additionally, its easy-to-clean design simplifies maintenance, making your coffee experience even more enjoyable.

Cup Holder

Elegantly store your cups right where you need them

An integrated cup holder for convenience and warmth. It keeps cups handy and coffee hot longer with efficient internal temperature control. It typically warms after making 2-3 coffees.

Easy Cleaning

Keep your machine pristine with minimal effort

Our espresso machines offer easy cleaning with detachable, dishwasher-safe parts and self-cleaning functions. It includes features for cleaning, rinsing, descaling, and water emptying. Enjoy more espresso moments with less cleaning, knowing your machine is in top condition.

Tehničke specifikacije


Podešavanje veličine šalice

Dimenzije i težina


31 cm


14.5 cm


42.5 cm


3.53 kg

Visina pakiranja

35.5 cm

Širina pakiranja

39.5 cm

Dubina pakiranja

19 cm

Težina pakiranja

4.55 kg

Dizajn i materijali



Performanse i potrošnja


1628 W


15 bar


50 - 60 Hz


220 - 240 V

Ključne značajke

Pohrana mljevenog zrna

Zapremina spremnika za vodu

1100 mL

Odvojiva posuda za mrve

Odvojivi spremnik za vodu

Pjenjača za mlijeko