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Eco-Friendly Travel: Preparing Your Home for Vacation
Eco-Friendly Travel: Preparing Your Home for Vacation

1m read

Eco-Friendly Travel: Preparing Your Home for Vacation

As you zip up your suitcase and give one last glance over your travel itinerary, there's a sense of excitement bubbling up at the prospect of exploring new horizons.


For those committed to a sustainable lifestyle, the preparation doesn't end with packing light or choosing eco-friendly accommodations. Ensuring our homes are as travel-ready as we are—particularly in ways that align with our green values—adds a deeper layer of peace to our departure.

Before diving into the practicalities, it's worth noting that travel offers profound benefits for our mental health and personal relationships. It’s a chance to unwind, find creative inspiration, and build lasting memories with loved ones. This rejuvenation is crucial for personal fulfillment and nurturing the relationships that matter most.



Preparing Your Home for Eco-Friendly Travel


Minimize Energy Use


  • Adjust Your Thermostat: An empty house doesn’t need to be kept at your ideal temperature. In winter, lower the thermostat to about 55 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent pipes from freezing. In summer, a setting around 78 degrees will keep things cool enough to prevent any heat-related damage without overworking your air conditioning.
  • Unplug Electronics: Devices left plugged in can still draw power, even when they're turned off. Unplug appliances like your microwave, TV, and computer, or connect them to a power strip that you can turn off and on.


Water Conservation

  • Check for Leaks: A small drip can waste significant amounts of water over time. Make sure to check all faucets, toilets, and under-sink areas for leaks before you leave.

  • Turn Off the Main Water Supply: If you’re worried about leaks or will be away for an extended period, consider turning off your water supply to avoid a potential disaster.


Reduce Food Waste

  • Plan Your Meals: In the weeks leading up to your vacation, plan meals around using perishable items that won't survive your absence.

  • Donate What You Can't Use: If you have perishables like fresh vegetables or bread that won’t last, consider donating them to a local food bank.

  • Compost: For items that are too far gone, composting is a perfect solution to keep waste out of the landfill.


Sustainable Practices for a Safe Return


  • Install Smart Home Devices: Consider investing in smart thermostats, lights, and plugs that you can control remotely. This ensures your home remains energy-efficient while you're away.

  • Use Timer-Based Security Lights: Set timers for lights to give the appearance of someone being home, enhancing security without excessive energy use.

  • Solar-Powered Outdoor Lighting: Install solar-powered lights around your home to improve security and energy efficiency.

  • Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products: Before you leave, clean your home with eco-friendly products. This ensures a healthier environment to return to and reduces chemical usage.

  • Indoor Plants: If you have indoor plants, group them together and use self-watering systems or ask a friend to water them. This keeps your plants healthy and your home oxygenated.

  • Schedule Smart Devices: Use a robot vacuum or mop and smart air purifier or humidifier to maintain cleanliness and air quality. Schedule these devices to operate just before your return for a fresher home.


Preparing your home for your absence is an integral part of responsible travel, especially for those who champion sustainability. By taking these steps, you can enjoy your travels without worrying about the environmental impact of an empty house. Your vacation will be a true escape, knowing that you’re coming back to a home that’s been thoughtfully managed in your absence, thanks to the eco-friendly measures protecting your space and our planet.





