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Leftover Zucchini Soup
Leftover Zucchini Soup

1m read

Leftover Zucchini Soup

Who knew that transforming leftovers could be so exciting?


Let's talk about the incredible benefits of using leftover food and how it can turn a humble zucchini into a culinary masterpiece. Don't let those unused inner zucchinis go to waste! Instead, gather them up and let them shine in this soup, where they'll add a burst of flavor and a satisfying texture.

So, chop, sauté, and blend your way to a steaming pot of zucchini soup that will have you feeling like a culinary genius. With every spoonful, savor the magic that comes from transforming simple ingredients into something truly extraordinary. Let this recipe be a reminder that culinary adventures await even in the most unexpected places, such as your leftover food stash. Say goodbye to food waste and hello to a delightful zucchini soup that will leave you craving more!





2 servings

Preparation time/ Cooking time:

5 minutes / 20 minutes


500 ml vegetable stock

300 g leftover inner zucchini 

80 g onion, chopped.

50 ml cream

10 g dill, chopped. 

10 g butter

5 g salt



• First, fry the chopped onion with oil in a pot over medium heat.

• When the chopped onions are soft, add the leftover inner zucchini and continue to fry for 2 minutes
• Then add the cream and continue cooking for about a minute.

• Finally, add the vegetable stock and salt, and stir. The vegetable stock should be about the same temperature as the cream mixture cooked in the pot.

• Cook over medium heat for about 15 minutes and turn off the heat at the end of the cooking time.

• When the temperature drops to the desired level, you can chop the dill and consume.

• Enjoy!

