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Summer Cranberry Drink (Vegan)
Summer Cranberry Drink (Vegan)

1m read

Summer Cranberry Drink (Vegan)

Cheers to the cranberry surprises!

This summer, let your creativity flow and indulge in the pleasures of seasonal fruits with a refreshing cranberry drink. Surprise your friends with its tangy yet sweet flavors, and let the vibrant colors and invigorating taste transport you to the sun-kissed days of summer. Raise your glasses, clink them together, and celebrate the joyous moments that come from creating delightful beverages that astonish and delight.





2 servings

Preparation time/ Cooking time:

10 minutes / 30 minutes


  • 500 g cranberries
  • 2 L water
  • 2 lemons
  • 30 g honey
  • 10 g ginger root
  • 10 g hibiscus tea 
  • 10 g sweet basil 
  • 7-8 cloves
  • 1 cinnamon stick



  • Rinse the cranberries thoroughly and remove any stems or impurities.

  • In a large pot, combine the cranberries and water. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat.

  • Reduce the heat and let the cranberries simmer for about 15-20 minutes, or until they start to soften and release their juices.

  • Add hibiscus tea and sweet basil to the drink.

  • While the cranberries are simmering, juice the lemons and set the juice aside.

  • After the cranberries have softened, use a blender to mash them and release more flavor.

  • Add the lemon juice, cloves, cinnamon stick, and ginger root to the pot. Stir to combine.

  • Simmer the mixture for another 10-15 minutes to allow the flavors to infuse.

  • Remove the pot from heat and let it cool slightly.

  • Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove the solids.

  • While the liquid is still warm, add honey, stirring well until it dissolves completely.

  • Once the mixture has cooled, transfer it to a pitcher or glass bottles and refrigerate until chilled.

  • Enjoy!
