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Mini Lemon Peel Custard Cheesecakes
Mini Lemon Peel Custard Cheesecakes

1m read

Mini Lemon Peel Custard Cheesecakes

A refreshing dessert after dinner.

This recipe is a delightful dessert made with lemon zest and custard, creating mini-sized cheesecakes. This dessert offers a refreshing flavor with a hint of tangy lemon.


Mini Lemon Peel Custard Cheesecakes are a perfect option to enjoy during the summer months, especially on hot days. The invigorating taste of lemon adds a cooling sensation and reflects the energy of the summer season.


Visually, Mini Lemon Peel Custard Cheesecakes are also appealing. 

Their small size ensures that each bite is a delightful experience. The dessert captures the aroma and texture of lemon zest, bringing joy to the eyes and taste buds.


This dessert is a great choice for special occasions or serving to guests. It is also ideal for indulging yourself or satisfying your daily sweet cravings. Mini Lemon Peel Custard Cheesecakes offer a delicious, light, and refreshing dessert experience.





2 servings

Preparation time/ Cooking time:

10 minutes /45 minutes


For the crust.

  • 130 g graham crackers
  • 25 g butter, melted.


For the cream filling;

  • 200 g cream cheese
  • 200 g double cream
  • 135 g sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 15 g flour
  • 15 g starch
  • 5 g vanilla extract


For the top;

  • 50 g lemon peel custard



  • In a bowl, mix crushed digestive biscuits and melted butter.

  • Then, divide the mixture evenly into muffin cups, using 1 tablespoon per cup.

  • Press them down with a spoon and let them chill in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

  • Preheat oven to 170°C.

  • For the cream filling, whisk together cream cheese, cream, sugar, and egg in a bowl with electric mixer.

  • Add flour, cornstarch, and vanilla extract, and continue whisking.

  • Divide the cream filling equally over the chilled biscuits using a spoon.

  • Bake in a preheated oven at 170°C for approximately 20-25 minutes. Rest for 10 minutes.

  • Pour 1 tablespoon lemon peel custard over each cooled cheesecake.

  • Place the cheesecakes in the refrigerator to set. Rest for at least 15 minutes.

  • Enjoy!
