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Steamed Salmon Bowl
Steamed Salmon Bowl

1m read

Steamed Salmon Bowl



A flavor explosion on your table.

Imagine tender, flaky salmon, perfectly steamed to retain its natural juiciness. Each bite melts in your mouth, releasing a burst of savory goodness that leaves you craving more. The delicate flavors of the salmon mingle harmoniously with the vibrant array of fresh vegetables and aromatic herbs.


This bowl is a symphony of tastes and textures. The velvety salmon, combined with the crispness of the vegetables, creates a satisfying contrast that keeps you coming back for another bite. The subtle hints of citrus and the umami richness of the accompanying sauce add an extra layer of complexity to the dish.


Don't wait any longer to experience the sensational flavors of the Steamed Salmon Bowl. Treat yourself to a meal that is not only delicious but also nutritious.




2 servings

Preparation time/ Cooking time:

10 minutes / 10 minutes


  • 2 pieces (400 g) salmon fillets 
  • 100 g broccoli florets 
  • 100 g leftover brown rice
  • 50 g baby spinach leaves
  • 20 g fresh ginger, peeled and julienned
  • 10 g spring onions, sliced
  • 5 g salt 
  • 5 g fresh black pepper
  • For the dressing;
  • 20 ml olive oil
  • 20 ml lemon juice
  • 10 g sesame seeds
  • 5 g salt 
  • 5 g white pepper



  • Season the salmon fillets with salt and pepper on both sides.

  • Place the salmon fillets on a heatproof dish or a steaming basket.

  • Sprinkle the julienned ginger and sliced spring onions over the salmon.

  • Arrange the broccoli florets around the salmon.

  • Fill a steamer or a large pot with a few inches of water and bring it to a simmer.

  • Place the dish or steaming basket with the salmon and broccoli into the steamer.

  • Cover and steam for about 8-10 minutes, or until the salmon is cooked through and flakes easily with a fork.

  • While the salmon is steaming, toast the sesame seeds in a dry pan over medium heat until lightly golden.

  • With a blender combine olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Add sesame seeds on top.

  • Assemble the bowls by placing a portion of leftover brown rice in the bottom.

  • Top with steamed salmon, broccoli, ginger, and spring onions.

  • Add a handful of baby spinach leaves.

  • Drizzle the dressing on top and serve.

